LightPath Usui Reiki Training: Level 1
REIKI IS LIFE FORCE ENERGY and it is organically and naturally available to everyone! When we learn to understand and use energy, it can be a powerful source of growth and expansion, helping us to tap in to all the ways we are creative and express in and with the world around us. Vital life force connects us to a higher plane of consciousness, to our unique and vital purpose and to our own healing.
In this class you will learn about energy systems and use Reiki for the purpose of clearing and healing, seeing body, mind and spirit as a whole energy being. Reiki Level 1 is an introduction to the concepts and techniques of Reiki. You will learn to clear and balance your own chakras and biofield. Tuning into your own energy and that of Reiki will bring you a new, life-changing access to your own energy for balance and connection of body, mind and spirit.
LEVEL 1 IS FOR PERSONAL USE, LEVEL 2 is beginning practitioner level and introduces working with the energy of others. Level 1 is a prerequisite to Level 2 training. There are 3 levels of Usui Reiki, Level 3 is Reiki Master.
Manual included.
Bring a yoga mat, water bottle, notebook and wear comfortable clothing. Lunch will be provided, we will eat the rainbow.
Note: It is recommended that for 21 days after Reiki attunement that each participant practice every day, drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and animal protein foods for 3 days. If this is a staple of your diet we will cover how to adjust for this recommendation using Reiki!
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